202402_積雪予報による「atena」オペレーションへの影響について / Impact of Snowfall Forecast on atena Operations

202402_積雪予報による「atena」オペレーションへの影響について / Impact of Snowfall Forecast on atena Operations

積雪による「atena」オペレーションへの影響について(最終報)Impact of Snowfall on atena Operations (As of 2024/02/06 15:00)

お客様各位 (English follows Japanese)





  • [公式発表] 一部のお届けに遅れが発生する可能性がある
  • [当社状況] 5日分に遅延は確認されていない状況
  • [公式発表] 大幅な遅延が見込まれている
  • [当社状況] 5日分よりすでに遅延が発生中
関東甲信の降雪の影響によるお荷物のお届けについて(2024年2月6日 13:00時点)
佐川急便[公式発表] 大幅な遅延が見込まれている天候不良に伴う配送への影響について(2024年2月6日8時45分現在)


Dear valued customer.

We would like to inform you of the latest update regarding the impact of yesterday's snowfall. This will be our final notice concerning the snow.

Today's Operational Status:
Today, we are operating as usual, including collection services, registration, and content scanning. Also, there are no plans to shorten our business hours today.

Status of Delivery Carriers:
While delivery carriers are gradually returning to normal operations, significant delays are still expected due to the backlog of mail and packages.

Delivery CarrierOperational StatusDetails
Japan Post
  • [Official Announcement] Delays may occur in some deliveries
  • [Our Status] No delays confirmed for the past 5 days
About the impact of bad weather
Yamato Transport
  • [Official Announcement] Significant delays are expected
  • [Our Status] Delays already occurring from the past 5 days
About parcel delivery due to snowfall in Kanto-Koshin region (As of February 6, 2024, 13:00)
Sagawa Express[Official Announcement] Significant delays are expectedAbout the impact on delivery due to bad weather (As of February 6, 2024, 8:45)

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and support for our operations. We look forward to your continued patronage and hope to serve you with the same dedication. Thank you.

積雪予報による「atena」オペレーションへの影響について(第二報)Impact of Snowfall Forecast on atena Operations (As of 2024/02/05 18:00)

お客様各位 (English follows Japanese)



現時点の路面状況・交通規制等の状況、協力会社各社の対応状況 ならびに気象庁の予報を踏まえ、以下の対応を決定しましたので、ご案内申し上げます。





Dear valued customer.

Starting this afternoon, snow has begun to fall in many areas, including the 23 wards of Tokyo, and snow accumulation is observed. According to the Japan Meteorological Agency, snow is expected to continue until the morning of February 6, 2024 (Tuesday).

Based on the current road conditions, traffic regulations, the response status of our partner companies, and the forecast from the Japan Meteorological Agency, we have decided on the following measures:

Collection Services on February 6, 2024 (Tuesday):
Due to the road conditions and traffic regulations, there may be delays in collection, or it may not be possible to collect at all. We will attempt to collect using alternative methods, such as hand carry, as much as possible, but delays in collection are expected even then. Please note that we do not plan to reschedule collections that cannot be made.

Content Scanning Deadline on February 6, 2024 (Tuesday):
Considering today's traffic conditions, we have shortened our operating hours. We plan to shorten our operating hours on February 6, 2024 (Tuesday) as well. We regret to inform you that the content scanning on February 6 will be handled within 24 hours from the request. Due to the beginning of the month, if you need urgent scans, such as invoices, please contact us about individual mail items. (Please understand that we cannot give priority to all mail items. If you have a sales representative, please consult with them individually.)

Express Shipping on February 6, 2024 (Tuesday):
Currently, delivery carriers are implementing measures such as stopping pickups and shortening reception hours. We will attempt to deliver using alternative methods as much as possible, but if you have specified a particular delivery carrier, we will depend on that carrier's policy. Please note that we may not be able to handle requests after the deadline (15:00).

Changes in snow accumulation, road conditions, and traffic regulations may impact our services in the future. We will inform you promptly if any new information comes in.

積雪予報による「atena」オペレーションへの影響について(第一報)Impact of Snowfall Forecast on atena Operations (As of 2024/02/04 14:00)

お客様各位 (English follows Japanese)


現時点の気象庁の予報によれば、明日2024年2月5日(月) 午後から、2024年2月6日(火) 午前にかけて東京23区でも積雪となる見込みとのことです。

積雪状況や、公共交通機関等の状況によって 5日(月) の営業時間を短縮する可能性があるほか、5日(月) 午後便 ならびに 6日(火) の郵便物回収の遅延、またそれに伴う登録の遅れが生じる可能性がございます。


Dear valued customer.

According to the latest forecast from the Japan Meteorological Agency, snow accumulation is expected in the Tokyo 23 wards from the afternoon of February 5, 2024 (Monday), to the morning of February 6, 2024 (Tuesday).

Due to the snow accumulation, there is a possibility that business hours on February 5 (Monday) will be shortened, and delays in mail collection for the afternoon of February 5 (Monday) and February 6 (Tuesday) may occur, which could also lead to delays in the processing of registrations. Furthermore, in the event of traffic restrictions, it may become impossible to perform collection activities.

Currently, our company and our partners continue to monitor the situation and verify information with relevant authorities. However, the final decision depends on tomorrow's weather conditions and the judgment of the regulatory authorities, so we cannot provide specific details on the impact at this moment. Should any impact occur, we will promptly update and inform you.

We appreciate your understanding in this matter.

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